Hello everyone!
As promised, I will be giving away a free shirt today. I really enjoy doing giveaways and it's making me think. I wonder if doing giveaways are a better marketing tool than traditional forms of advertising? Is Wolf vs Goat just catering to it's rewards members ( you guys are the best) or am I really reaching out to new potential customers. What are some other contest ideas that you would like to see WvG participate in?
That's today's contest.
The person with the best idea wins and WvG will use that idea for the next contest. Please leave your idea in the comment section below and you will win one of these two shirts.
Please only one submission per person. A winner will be announced tomorrow afternoon.
Here are the shirts-
100%Blue cotton Amunzen. Pop over or center placket. 98% cotton 2% poly. Center placket. Short or long sleeves.
Retail $ 240.00 Retail $230.00
Both shirting fabrics were made in Japan. I love them both. The Amunzen is just so different. It looks and almost feels like a knit but it's a true woven. The cotton stripe is so light and airy. I own this shirt and have been wearing it a lot since I have been back from Italy. It's a true go to piece for me.
Good luck!!!