Enough About Us Already...

Since the start of Wolf vs Goat, we've made it our mission to put our community of customers first. We've designed our clothing with you in mind and we've designed membership programs and policies, both formally and informally, with you in mind. 

Over time, you've rewarded us by sharing your stories, preferences, and appreciation. We're proud to say that we've gotten to know some of our community pretty darn well. But we want to know you better, and we want you all to know each other better. Believe me, you're all pretty cool, interesting people worth meeting. 

With this in mind, every Friday we're going to highlight one of you all, if you'll let us. We want to hear about your love of clothing, summer plans, and any and everything else that you want to share with us and the rest of the community. And if you love WvG, by all means, don't hesitate to express why =). 

So, enough about us already. Send in your stories, a picture or two, and anything else that you want to us to highlight about you and each Friday we'll highlight one of our customers. If we get a huge influx of stories, maybe we'll even feature you all more than just once a week.

At the end of the summer, three randomly chosen members who send in will win a custom made piece of clothing TBD. Don't worry, it won't be lame either. 

So start sharing and send stories to mauro@wolfvsgoat.com. We can't wait to hear them.

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