Shirts arrive tomorrow

Hello everyone,

Finally, the day has come. All MTM, MTO, and stock shirts arrive tomorrow.

It's going to be a very hectic day. I believe the wait will be worth it.

I would like to apologize for the delay. We have ironed out all the production hiccups.  We are now on track.

There will be a handful of newsletters going out in the near future so that we can lock down Fall' 2016 and Spring' 2017. Yes, I said Spring' 2017.

Starting today, we will be offering you the entire "bespoke" fabric collection from Thomas Mason, Albini, and David and John Anderson.

I will write more this week about the fabrics and the 3 different shirt options you have for MTM including the Napoletana construction.  This will help you decide which direction you would like to go in the future, not just with WvG, but any shirt you decide to purchase.



Again, I apologize for the delay.




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